Recently I have started to understand why my german friend made that chose. He just give up the opportunity to work for the best OEM and go back to his hometwon in east germany, which certainly means less money and less colorful night life. But he is around by friends and the people, who love him. It seems more important for him.
I, on the contrary has spent most beautiful time in the guest country. far away from my hometown. From time to time I haven´t felt I am a foreigner, Without any language obstacle I can do quite good communication with others and most important. open-minded. Certain good friends have tried to integrate or introduce me to their friend cycle, which is also not bad. With that opportunity have known a lot british. But that kind of family with the town, that feeling, this city is my city is still not there.
I need to leave this cycle and get some new challenge.
看到你的 访谈就来到了这里,我们可能是同行,只是我在国内。恰巧这段时间也在德国出差,时间长了想家,好在还有一周就可以回去了。祝好!